Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ding Ding Ding...We Have A Winner!

Ok, yes WE GOT HIM!
Fortunately for him, (and us) we did opt for the "Catch & Release" turns out he is the cutest thing you've ever seen (as far as rodents go). The Rat/Squirrel is actually this weird large mousy thing. So the peanut butter worked and there he was yesterday morning not at all happy about being in our trap. 

Here's what the little booger looked like post-trapping, and on his way to his "Release Site"

My camera was dead  (gasp) or I would have a much better picture, and Im ashamed...

So we took him down the road to the Howdy's / Dairy Queen (Im sure they appreciated their new addition) to let him go. There is nothing but desert behind it, and we figured he would have plenty to eat (but his cholesterol will most likely suffer).

We sneakily crept down the arroyo and I hit the button to open the doors. Ok, here's what we didn't expect. He took two steps out of the trap and then JUMPED literally 10 feet. He hit the ground and lept again, another ten feet. Three more jumps and he was out of site. Amy and I sat there and stared in complete AWE.  After a few seconds, I said something like "he jumped just like a Kangaroo"... that was about the time that lightbulb went on, an Aha! moment. In unison "KANGAROO RAT!!!!"  This is what my Google search revealed. Sure enough we had ourselves a GIANT Kangaroo Rat. We set the trap again, so hopefully I can have better pictures AND a release video next time.


Mixtape Jones said...

Even mice can jump a lot farther than you think...I released one that got stuck in the trash can at my old store, and it bounded across the grass at least a foot at a time...That's not as impressive as 10 feet, but still...pretty good for a mouse.

Kristen said...

It was some freaky stuff... I would give ANYTHING to have a video of it....I may try to catch another just to get the shot!

Heather said...

seriously, i love that you guys rescued and released. i don't even kill daddy long legs in the house. I put them in a cup and take them outside. I'm afraid i'm going to come back as a spider or rodent and i want karma to be on my side....seriously...

Kristen said...

If I come back as anything with more than four legs....Im SCREWED!!!